So there it is – the first two weeks of my book launch. I have sold almost 10 copies of Mimic, and would like to invite Steven King and Brandon Sanderson to watch their backs.
Those are big numbers. Huge.
Wait. You’re telling me that the numbers are supposed to be SMALL for it to be a good thing? Oh well. Still. I’ve sold nearly 10 copies. That’s 10 more than I honestly thought I would have. I look forward to looking back in a year from now after the book is naught but a distant memory and realizing that I will have impacted (by then) nearly a DOZEN people! So here we go. Pump up my numbers. Make it stronger for me.
Mimic: Ehlert, J. Scott (Amazon)
Mimic by J. Scott Ehlert (Bookshop) (Ingram)